Friday, September 16, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Risible World

Risible World

Old Notes

Back in the days of the Classic Mac and the dot-matrix printer, I began cobbling together a book tentatively entitled: "Stand-up Comedy Bible", which was to be the intellectual underpinnings of, and catalyst for, my launch into the world of humorism. In short, I never finished the book, nor did I ever bring anything to the stage. I did, however, save the manuscript. And rather than opening a separate blog for it, I thought I may as well bring it here, as it is, after all, somewhat related, at least to the last word in the blog. The last word. I like it!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What is a Social Media Humorist?

In short, a social media humorist is a person, place or thing (noun) who creates, shares or curates humorous content for and from the world of social media. As an occupation, it is brand new. The world needs more occupations. And the world needs more new occupations, because the old one are filled or obsolete. You too can be a social media humorist! I'll turn my back so you can check...

...OK We're back, and talking about new occupations, of which there is a very great need. So besides being a social media humorist, are there other new occupations you can think of?

Why yes there are, and than you for asking! One (or two) can be a social media advisor, an idea consultant, a vision coach, a tweetcrafter and many other things. The point is to create something no one else is doing, and do that. Create your own new occupation or profession, then see to it that others also start doing it. Guilds can then spring up, and soon, with hundreds of people, thousands, millions, creating brand new jobs, and paying it forward to many others...before long, everyone will be employed!

"social media humorist" - Google Search

"social media humorist" - Google Search

Hi there! When you search for "social media humorist" on Google, you find that there are but 9 entries, and that it because it is a brand new field, which, frankly, I thought I had coined, but now will have to see if, in fact, someone had thought of it before me, in which case I shall have to call my insurance man, Guido and see what can be done to fix the matter. Anyway, welcome to the blog, and the practice of social media humorism. I have been doing it for years, but only recently found the appropriate name for it.

A technical note: You may have noticed that I do music, art, photos, videos, blogs, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Quora, Empire Avenue, and a number of other practices and venues, which lend a challenge, yet a variety, to the please consider that when making your tithe or offering. All the best, David
At any rate, should you enjoy my work, please feel free to deposit a mere percentage point in my Paypal tip jar, which should be around here somewhere.

In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 9 already displayed.
If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.